Contact us
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Contact us

Luzzago 1975 Srl

Via Mandolossa 65
25030, Roncadelle - BRESCIA (ITALY)
WhatsApp: +39 338 785 5045
Whatsapp: +39 339 153 4734
WhatsApp: +39 335 535 0022
P.IVA: 03467320986

Sales Branch for GCC

Rawdat Al Khail IbnSina.ST,
Building No. 139 - Doha (QATAR)
WhatsApp: +974 51 14 6370
Ref. for GCC. Mr. Zialnon Moaz

Sales Branch for China relations

WhatsApp: +39 324 808 9689
WeChat: Francy8023
Ref. for China. Mr. Francesco Yang

Request information


Opening time

Monday / Friday: 8.30-12.30 / 14.30-18.30
Saturday Morning: 8.30–12.30 with Road tests and delivery of cars
Saturday Afternoon: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED
We inform our kind customers that we receive only by appointment.

Valerio Luzzago with his sons Ottavio and Nicolò.